Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Back in the Saddle :)

So, I did spinning tonight with someone besides Catherine (this is a big deal...) And I didn't mind the instructor... I didn't sweat as much as I do in Catherine's class - so I started adding 1/4 to 1/2 a turn when he said add 1/8 a turn... but it was good to be in spinning again :) I think I might even take another of his classes... The only thing that is bad about evening classes (this one is from 6-7) is that I eat SO late and go to bed later - but besides that, I enjoyed the class. He's not my fave spin instructor - but he's not bad. And it looks like I'm going to have to branch out from Catherine anyway [ :( ] because she only teaches Wed's at 9 and I won't always be able to make that class - plus, I'd like to start spinning 2-3 times a week...

And I think it's safe to say that one of the main reasons I worked out this evening is because I didn't want to write on the blog saying I hadn't worked out today... so it's working :)

Because my day is so terribly hectic tomorrow, I will be aiming to work out tomorrow a.m. If I don't make it - I'll have to work out at 7 or 8 at the gym - so who knows when I'll write my blog tomorrow - but I appreciate you tuning in - it's helping me stay on track!! (And really, even if no one is reading this, knowing that you might is helping me stay on track, too :) )

So I made a slow-cooker recipe yesterday that was horrible. I'm sad that I wasted perfectly good food on it and that it made so much... I was hoping that today it would be better since it's chili - and chili is always better the second day - but I still hate it! So sad! It has the perfect amount of protein = lean ground turkey AND black beans - and it has sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers and onions... should have been awesome - but not so much... i don't know if it's because I cut the salt out completely (minus the canned tomatoes) or what - but I will not be passing this recipe out... ugh.

Oh well - thank God the CSA has started back up - because I'll get more veggies tomorrow and I'll just have to find some more protein... that's the hardest for me - getting enough protein in at each meal... you're supposed to not have more than 30 grams of protein per meal - I average 15 total. And I average 50 total for the day - when I'm supposed to be getting at least 80... awesome.

So that's my next goal... that and trying to get through this bowl of chili in front of me....

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that writing the blog is helping to keep you motivated! I am so proud of you Jules! I had a great time catching up this weekend! Love you!
