Friday, May 21, 2010


This morning I went to the gym to do a water aerobics class and found that all water aerobics classes have been canceled until the gym gets a new 'boiler' to heat the pool... I was going to do water aerobics in order to move those back and leg muscles but have them 'cushioned' by the water... bummer.

Well, I decided that since I was at the gym with a bathing suit on that I should swim. I lasted a little over 20 minutes. I didn't take breaks in between each lap, which is good - but 1) I didn't have goggles - and people underestimate the importance of goggles when swimming (!!!) and 2) the pool was COLD - no really, FRIGID... Kathy (works at the pool) said that the temperature was around 70 degrees - cold, cold, COLD... I was hoping a few laps would warm me up, but I just couldn't stand it - I probably would have stayed longer if I had goggles but the combo of no goggles and frigid water had me in there for 25 minutes only... but I do feel better after exercising - my legs are in pain and my hip area is in pain - not sure from what - so I will be stretching a lot today - but as of now, no back pain!

In future, what I should remember:
1) go to gym with more than one option... if water aerobics bound, take goggles in case class is canceled... or if spinning bound, take regular shoes in case I need to switch it up...
2) eat a protein-filled mini-breakfast an hour before working out (not a muffin 20 mins before working out)
3) figure out how to use the damned combo lock so that I can leave stuff in locker, not in car... just to make life a little easier
4) STRETCH before, during, after, whenever...

I plan on spinning tomorrow a.m. with Catherine ~ she's teaching the 9:30AM class at the wellness center if anyone wants to join me... :)

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