Monday, May 24, 2010

Lovin' it!

I just got back from the gym where I had a GREAT 50 minute workout. The elliptical machine says that I 'ran' 3.12 miles, that I burned 430 calories and my average heart rate was 174...

What I've found out about these machines is that the only thing I can trust out of those 3 numbers is the distance - apparently the calorie burnage and the heart rate won't be acurate - but I can tell you that I pushed myself very hard for 45 minutes and cooled down for 5 minutes and that I sweat a TON and I smell yucky - or at least I smell like someone who just worked out... I'm about to take a shower and then work on job stuff - but I feel wonderful and like I can take on the world!! I'm Lovin' it!!

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