Thursday, May 20, 2010

bumps in the road

So I have fallen down again! UGH! I overexerted myself yesterday while gardening and I have the good sore in my arms and legs and the bad sore in my back - YUCK. I have been on muscle relaxers today and I'm not a fan. They made me loopy all day and I feel like I'm in a quagmire. I'm resolute about going to the gym tomorrow a.m. and doing something that gets my heart rate up but doesn't hurt my upper back - suggestions, anyone??

I haven't been to the gym in a while and am feeling awfully sluggish and I don't like it - not one bit!!

On the upside of things, I found a wonderful recipe that I LOVE - and am excited to get more ingredients to make it again - it is so refreshing and it uses most of the items I get from the CSA and will soon get from my garden. I need to plant basil - because though I get it from the CSA, I'd like to have it at my fingertips all summer long. The recipe has tomatoes, basil, peppers and quinoa in it and a simple dressing that is TASTY... It's low in calories for a cup - the majority of the calories coming from the quinoa which is a whole grain and a complete protein... I've been eating it for lunch and it has provided me with lots of energy :)

If anyone wants it, let me know!
Reg & Barb - it's on page 12o of the Grilling cook book I gave you :)

I hope to have a better report tomorrow. I've gained some weight back and I don't feel nearly as good as I did a month ago and I am determined to not fall back into all the old habits... I may need to sanction all alcohol consumption to weekends only with meals - or at least back to the HCC rule of 1 glass of wine a day... plus, I really shouldn't buy milk chocolate - i think I lost my brain on that last shopping outing...

I will say that I LOVE strawberries and they have not lost their appeal even though I have so many in my fridge and freezer... I probably need to get some other fruits in my diet, though... it's been nothing but strawberries since I picked them Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Stay positive, Jules! Don't turn a misstep into a total fallout! Let me know how I can help. Thanks for the recipe. I really want to try it!
