Saturday, December 11, 2010

Baby Steps

So, without much ado, I'm back? I know that didn't sound too confident but there have been SEVERAL changes that have happened in my life recently and my varied responses have included eating poorly and not exercising... though I'm back to better eating now...

It's been several months since I last wrote on here, and I'm fairly positive that no one is checking my blog anymore - which means I can be very honest. By knowing that most likely no one is reading this daily, I can be brutally honest because I'm writing this for my benefit in an effort to get back in shape for me and me only. These are baby steps....

Since blogging in July (I believe that's the last post - but we'll see when I post this...), I have a job in Summerton, SC - I have relocated and though I feel alone a lot, the extrovert in me is pleased to be alone - there's a good chance that there is more introvert in me than originally assumed.

I live alone - but I interact with friends daily - except on the weekends when I retreat into my shell... High school teacher of science by weekday - hermit by weekend :) I have the occasional weekend when I am home in Charleston, which is 1.5 hours away or out and about in S'ton - but for the most part, I'm holed up at home and I love it. I love the excessive knitting, movie watching, painting, drawing, etc. that I have not done for years!

Downsides to Summerton: no gym, cycling is not embraced by local drivers, and I live in a remote area with no sidewalks... There's a gym in Manning, but I have not had a penny to spare on additional bills - ahhh, the life of a school teacher... no money. I do not regret my life decision, however, because I LOVE TEACHING. And I LOVE TEACHING HIGH SCHOOL - high schoolers are a strange collection of lovable Punks - with a capital 'P.'

I do have a fellow teacher friend, Neathery, who wants to get in shape as I do - and another friend outside of the school, Lynn, who just joined Weight Watcher's and has been an inspiration to me food-wise and determination-wise.

Other recent changes: I had my gallbladder removed over Thanksgiving - the only limitations to my diet have been no greasy fried food or no pork - both of which are good to give up anyway! The crazy thing about the whole gallbladder attacks, etc. is that they mainly started up when I started HCC and my doctor speculates that the two go hand-in-hand since my diet completely changed all at once... oh well... glad to be gallbladder free? I don't know about that - but I am glad to be gallbladder attack free...

I don't know when I'll next post something on - but I feel good about taking the step to write anything at all... baby steps.

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