Monday, March 1, 2010


Before the program, I was really good at not sleeping - or atleast not sleeping soundly... I talk in my sleep - have been known to have night terrors (not my fave) and oh yes, sleep walking. After the program started I stopped the frequency of all of those, which has been nice - I actually get a 'normal' night's rest with strange dreams. Tonight I get the grand prize of not sleeping at all... which doesn't really make a whole lot of sense - I ate very well today, I worked all day on my thesis and was wiped earlier today... I then went to Taebo and Janis did an amazing job of kicking our rear ends... and here it is 11:30 PM and I have to get up at 5AM (at the latest!) and I'm wired. Dinner was lentil soup and some salad - that I ate later than I normally do because of a late class of Taebo, but still, done with food at 8.... so here I am musing about my no sleep. Maybe I can't get my brain to quiet down

Anyway, today was a hard day in that I worked on GIS all day in my parents FRIGID house - but I am thankful for the company and the use of house that is great for studying in. I ate my lunch outside on the front porch and soaked in some Vitamin D and warmed up a little before heading back into the freezer. I'll give M/D's house this - I stayed wide awake while working and wasn't distracted, I think part of it was the mentality that once completed with this portion of the project, I can move to a warmer locale. Now I am snug in my bed underneath down comforter, surrounded by lots of pillows in a really comfy bed AND I CAN"T SLEEP. I suppose I can go grab my ipod and listen to some Brahms; that usually does it. Good night all and I will check back in tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you were finally able to catch a few winks of sleep last night. It's so frustrating to just be lying in bed wide awake.
