Saturday, February 27, 2010

Back in the saddle :)

Just biked - and I have MISSED my road bike!! Have been biking on the mountain bike and it just doesn't hold a candle!!! Also with all the spin classes I've done, I was able to clip right into those peddles and fly! I need to find a new route though - I hadn't been on the West Ashley Bikeway post-rain (all the rain we've had brought all kinds of dirt and sediment onto the paved path - and I hated it... For those who don't know what it's like to ride a road bike through dirt/soft sand, it's like driving on ice - you can't brake without falling (or at least I can't), you don't want to turn hard one way or the other or you will fishtail and probably fall and you just sail through it, hoping like hell to make it to the other side of the 'patch.' (I am probably not easing my Mom's nerves who will read this...)

Weeza gave me a book - Lowcountry Bike rides - but they are in the boonies and I'm not familiar with the routes (hence the boonies...). SO - anyone down here want to ride??? Jen? Reg? Anyone?? I haven't been to Sewee Outpost, but have heard they have some good rides/routes... I'll have to investigate this more - I need to train!!!

The Bianci was great, though, and I can't wait to get back on it! It looks like I'll ride Saturday mornings, Tuesday & Wednesday evenings (these are the only time slots that really fit in my schedule). If all goes well, I'll be doing both Taebo and Body Bar on Monday night with Jenelle - back to back... then I guess you either know the rest or you'll hear about it from me.

I will be dropping off the planet (really starting today) to finish up my Internship Report/Thesis - need a rough draft by March 15th (thought I had until 3/26 - AARRGGHH!!!!) - so all I will be doing is sleeping, eating, working and exercising - in fact, I think my time at the gym will be much needed escape and re-formulate-thoughts-time... So if you thought I had dropped off before - to do this challenge - you've seen NOTHING. If you're in charleston this is why I've not emailed/FB'd/called you - but I will maintain the blog :) Til next time...

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