So our team of encouraging ladies braved the pool this morning and did a water aerobics class led by our very own Leslie - who teaches these classes regularly for the Wellness Center. What a treat! We get our own Leslie-taught class especially for us on Thursday mornings! Water aerobics, if done correctly by pushing yourself (really like you would with any activity), can be a great work out. It is a very strange sensation, however, to sweat in the pool. At the beginning, Leslie went over some basic do's and don't's and one 'do' was to remember to breathe - I thought that was strange - we're about to do cardio - of COURSE we'll be breathing... nope, wrong. She constantly had to remind us to breathe. In the water you are able to do exercises for longer than you can on land because of the added buoyancy... and the water is tricky - it's warm and you don't feel like you're getting a cardio workout, but lo and behold, you find yourself sweating and sore... It was one of the lighter work outs I've experienced, which was a nice break - and also means that on Thursdays I can add another class or spend more time on the elliptical if I need to. Tomorrow I'm switching out my 'normal' (which is funny considering that a week ago nothing about this was normal!) cardio routine to do spinning with Jenelle and Betty - we have to be there at 5:30 to ensure a spot in the class!
Tonight is the weigh-in! I'm excited to see how I've done - I stepped on the scales earlier this week and was pleasantly surprised - so we'll see what happens tonight! Tune in tomorrow for that bit of news. :)
And thank you to all who have been following my blog and commenting, emailing, and texting me your support, words of wisdom, and words of encouragement! I love it and it's keeping me going!
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