Sunday, January 10, 2010

Today was intense. Everyone in the program was there - so around 70 (?) people - and we all started out together and then broke into groups... 20 of us did an intro to spinning for 20 minutes (that's my group), and the rest did an intro to taebo... then 20 more did spinning and the rest of us did taebo...
The taebo was manageable - I was out of breath and working hard , but my friend Kate and I used to do taebo during the "B.I" days, so it wasn't a shock to the system. SPINNING = INTENSE, but I think I like it. I was getting my butt kicked and I wanted more... something may be wrong with me.
Tomorrow after our 45 minutes of cardio, we're doing Yoga - led by our trainer Sarah - who is certified in Yoga, Pilates, & Nia. I've never done Yoga - so this will be the week of a lot of 'firsts'! And I may start switching out my 6am cardios on the elliptical machines for 6am spinning classes!! :)


  1. I'm so proud of you, Jules!!! It sounds like you're managing the intensity really well. Love you! :-)

  2. I love spinning! Such a great cardio workout, but easy on the knees! If you love yoga, maybe I'll make you a yoga mat bag as a reward for all your hard work!

  3. Thanks, gals! I really love and appreciate your support!! Barb - I may be walking the 5k portion of the 8k for H20 - you game?
