Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New designs :)

So, in an attempt to keep things lively 'around here' - I am going to periodically change my background on my post to fit my 'mood'. The theme this week is books and music. I would like to invite you to 1) suggest books to add to my reading list and 2) make a CD for me that has your favorite work out tunes on it - in return you will get my unending gratitude AND a CD from me and of course your books on my reading list! :) I can give out some book suggestions as well.

Summer Reading List (who suggested it...):
1 - Gone with the Wind (Momma :) )
2 - Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (Barb)

Clearly, I need more suggestions - and one little known fact - I read fast and when I read, I don't eat... so you see, this could help my diet - or at least the urge to eat in between meals... ;)

Also, I need some more tunes - some new ones at least - and I am confident that one gets you moving will get me moving - it doesn't take much!!

My work out plan(s) this week: Yesterday (Monday), I walked the dog that I'm house sitting for twice - but the first one was the doozy - I am only allowed to walk him for one block because of his hip - so he got dropped off at the house - and since I was already so sweaty, I borrowed a bike at their house and rode all over the neighborhood - and I really preferred the extra energy that led to the extra breeze... it was HOT yesterday - and it is clearly going to be hot today.

Today I will be heading to the gym after an afternoon meeting - before eating out tonight at Magnolia's (!!) where I am being treated by a dear lady from our church who wants to celebrate my friend Christy's engagement! I'm excited for my fish and salad options!! :)

Wednesday = spinning with Catherine at 9am, Thursday = yoga & an additional work out with weights, Friday = spinning at 6 or 9... depends on amount of sleep, Saturday = ride in morning, followed by beach day with Louisa and friends!! :) and Sunday = ride? not sure yet what will happen on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't sure I was on the right blog with the new layout and everything! :-)
